Iformation request

Do you need a market report and trends in the real estate sector? Are you looking for a professional portfolio valuation, comparison or statistics service? Fill out this form and one of our professionals will contact you.

    Name and surname*



    Area of the asset to be valued

    Tell us what else we can help you with

    Attach file

    Only formats .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF are allowed and can't exceed 2 Mb


    Responsible: Aesval Lógica de Valoraciones, S.A.
    Purpose: Manage user data in order to manage their budget requests.
    Legitimation: Consent of the data subject
    Rights: Access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of treatment and, where appropriate, portability of data and digital rights collected in RGPD and in the LOPDGDD. Likewise, you have the right to file a claim with the control authority.

    For additional information regarding the protection of your data, please consult the privacy policy.

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